From delicate blooms like the wild bleeding heart to the more rich folk like golden marguerites, native French flowers have an undeniably European flair!
I’m sure you’ve looked at the garden center and sighed, doubting if you could grow beautiful flowers as they have.
Gardening can be a relaxing pastime and a way of helping to connect with the environment. But for the beginner, when faced with a myriad of different types of seeds, cuttings, and plants, the experience can quickly become overwhelming.
In this article, I’ll provide you with a list of 11 gorgeous native French flowers to grow in your garden. Most of these flowers are easy to cultivate and will bring dazzling spring color!
11 Gorgeous Native French Flowers to Grow in Your Garden
The following French native flowers have been cultivated in gardens around the world for centuries. Most types of french flowers are still easily found at your local garden center or nursery, and most are relatively easy to grow if you’re new to gardening.
Christmas Poinsettia

The Christmas Poinsettia is one of my favorite flowers that grow in France for two reasons. First, it’s a beautiful flower as the leaves of this plant are red and green while its flower structure resembles a star. Second, it is easy to grow and can be used to decorate your home for the holidays. They look like the perfect Christmas flower!
They are easy to grow because they need little water or fertilizer, so they are great for people who don’t have much time or money to spend gardening!
If you want to bring some color into your home during the holiday season, consider planting a few Christmas Poinsettias in your garden or porch. You’ll be able to show off these beautiful plants all year long!

In my opinion, primroses are the most beautiful flower in France. I’ve grown them in my garden for the last couple of years and have had great success. Primrose is hardy enough to grow in all weather conditions and doesn’t require much attention.
The best thing about primrose is that it only takes about two months to bloom and produce seeds so you can grow them in your garden all year round! For more information, you can this article about how to care for primrose.
Another thing that I like about this flower is that it has a very strong perfume, which makes it great for attracting pollinators like bees and birds.
Primrose also grows well in containers, so if you don’t want to plant them directly into the soil (for example, if you live in an apartment), they’re definitely worth trying out.
Cacti Cours Saleya

I live in an area where the summers can get really hot and dry, but Cacti Cours Saleya doesn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, this plant actually thrives when exposed to heat and sun.
This beautiful flower blooms in June and July. It’s an easy flower to grow, and it’s perfect for beginner gardeners.
Cacti Cours Saleya is a member of the cactus family, so it has many of the same care needs as other cacti. It grows best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Cacti Cours Saleya should be planted in well-drained soil that has been amended with compost or other organic matter before planting your new plant.
Once you’ve planted your new cactus, water it regularly by using a watering globe or aqua globe until it’s established in its location. Once it’s set, you’ll only need to water it occasionally during dry spells.
Bluebell – Wild hyacinth

Bluebells are native to France but have been cultivated in Britain since the 16th century. It is a member of the lily family and has bell-shaped flowers that appear between April and May. The flowers are usually blue, although some varieties can be white or mauve.
These flowers do best in moist soil, but they will tolerate most conditions provided they’re not too dry or wet during their growing period. They also require well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter added before planting.
Plant your bluebells either in autumn or spring (preferably autumn) when the ground has dried out after winter rains but before new growth starts on other plants around them.

Gerberas have grown in France since the 18th century. The name comes from the French ‘gerbe D’or,’ which means ‘straw of gold’ and refers to the color of the petals, which can be white, pink, red, or orange.
Gerberas are perennial herbs with erect stems and alternately arranged leaves. They produce flat-topped clusters of flower heads, each with an outer ring of ray florets and a central disc floret. Depending on the species, the ray florets may be white, yellow, orange, or pink. The disc florets are usually yellow but can also be white or purple.
Gerbera plants are easy to grow and will flower all summer long if you keep them watered and fed. They make excellent cut flowers but also look good in hanging baskets or planted in containers on a patio or balcony.
Rose ‘La France’

This traditional pink rose has a beautiful perfume, which I enjoy the most, especially on warm afternoons when I would come home from work. It also has beautiful flowers. I planted them in the ground, but they can also be grown in containers.
If you want to grow your own French rose ‘La France,’ it is easy to do so if you live in a warm climate. You don’t need much space or much attention – just give it some water when needed and let it grow on its own. This is what makes this flower such a popular choice for many people who want to grow their own flowers at home.
French marigold

The French marigold (Tagetes patula) is a member of the Asteraceae family. This plant is also known as Guinea flower and nasturtium.
The French marigold is a perennial plant that grows up to one foot tall. The flowers are yellow with orange centers and can be used as ornamental plants in gardens or flower beds.
It should be planted in full-sun locations where there is well-drained soil. They are easy to grow from seeds and will bloom from June through September if given adequate sunlight and water during their first year of growth.
I’ve planted it with basil and strawberries, and they all grow together really well. This is because marigold attracts ladybugs, which are great for keeping aphids away from your plants.
Iris ‘Gordon’ (Dwarf Iris)

Iris ‘Gordon’ flowers are the most popular flowers in France.
Gordon flowers are purple wildflowers located throughout Paris; they are funnel-shaped and purple. They have sweet perfume, and they can grow up to two feet tall.
French daffodil

French daffodils are known for their long stems, which grow up to 3 feet tall. They’re also known for their beautiful flowers, which range from white to yellow and orange.
The French daffodil is a perennial flower that blooms in spring. It grows best in partial shade or full sun and prefers moist soil.
These flowers can be planted directly into the ground, or potted plants can be brought indoors for the winter months. When planting these flowers, make sure you plant them at least 2 inches deep so they can get established in your garden bed before winter arrives.
Rosemary Bush

The rosemary bush, or Rosmarinus officinalis, has been used for centuries in cooking and medicine. Rosemary is a hardy plant that can grow in many climates, including those with cold winters.
The rosemary bush is a deciduous shrub with aromatic, needle-like leaves that grow to 1-2 feet.
The flowers are purple or white and grow on top of the branches. The leaves are bright green with a slight blue tint and smell like pine when crushed.
Rosemary bushes grow best in full sun or partial shade and require well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. They can be propagated by cuttings, seeds, or the division of plants.
As an antiseptic that cleans wounds by removing dead cells from damaged tissue’s surface, rosemary helps reduce stress and promote relaxation by stimulating blood flow in the brain.
French perfume jasmine ‘Flora Plena’

French perfume jasmine ‘Flora Plena’ has been used in perfumes for centuries. It has a robust and rich scent that is similar to that of the common jasmine flower found in many gardens around the world.
The name Flora Plena means “fully bloomed flower,” but the plant has also been referred to as “Fuller’s Rosemary” or “Fuller’s Jasmine.”
Flora Plena is a perennial that can be grown as an annual or biennial. It grows to about 2 feet tall and wide, with bright green leaves. The flowers are fragrant, white with yellow stamens. They appear in summer and early fall.
So if your garden needs a little color and your balcony space hasn’t produced anything beautiful yet, try growing some of these French beauties. They are amazingly easy to care for, reasonably priced, and will last you months in a beautiful garden. They might also surprise you with their versatility when it comes to arrangement and as a unique touch in an arrangement with exotic flowers.
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