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Ian Richardson

Ian Richardson is a passionate lover of plants, flowers, and gardening. He finds solace and tranquility in the beauty and diversity of plants and flowers. His love for nature and gardening has motivated him to learn more about the different plant species, their habitats, and how to cultivate them. His knowledge and expertise in gardening have also made him a go-to person for gardening advice and tips, thus the reason he create BeloGarden. Ian continues to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature and hopes to inspire others to do the same.

How do i start a garden at home?

How do I start a garden at home?

How can I start a garden at home?
Answer: Choose a sunny spot. Decide on the garden type you want. Select easy-to-grow plants suited to your climate. Prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding compost. Plant seeds or seedlings according to instructions. Water regularly and maintain the garden by weeding and monitoring for pests.